Section 1 - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Traditional Bowhunters of Florida.
Section 2 - Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be the encouragement of traditional archery among citizens of the United States or allied nations resident within our community, with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of traditional bowhunting. It shall be our further objective and purpose to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, and self- discipline.
Section 3 - Organization
The club is a not for profit membership corporation dully incorporated on the 2nd day of December, 1992.
Section 1- General Membership
A general member is any person who supports traditional bowhunting, the code of hunting ethics approved by the Board, and has attended at least two Club functions. The Board shall have the authority and discretion to determine who is or is not a member.
Section 2 - Life Membership
A life member is a general member who is designated as a life member on the books and records of the Club.
Section 3 - Membership Privileges
The member entitled to vote at regular, special or annual meetings of the Club shall be any members age 18 or older who are present at the meeting, either in person or by proxy.
Section 1 - Regular Meetings
A. The regular meetings of the club for the transaction or ordinary business shall be
held at times to be announces.
Section 2 - Special Meetings
A. A special meeting of the club may be held at any time upon the call of the
President or upon the call of the Board.
B. A special meeting of the club may be called by any member upon demand in
writing, to the Board stating the objective of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than 20% of the members entitled to vote.
C. Notice of the time, place, and objective of any special meeting shall be given to
all officers and members in good standing, in writing, by mail not less than seven days prior to the date fixed for the holding of the meeting. The place of the special meeting shall be fixed by the Board.
Section 3 - Annual Meetings
The annual meeting of the Club shall be held at 6:00 PM on the Friday of the Florida State Traditional Bowhunters' Championship or such other time as place as the Board may designate.
Section 4 - Quorum
At least 15% of the members of the Club entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Section 5 - Motions
A. Any motion may be carried by a majority of the members present and entitled to
vote. The President shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
B. Voting members may be required to show current membership cards if required
by any member.
Section 1 - Titles
The officers of this club shall be:
Vice President Secretary/Treasurer
Section 2 - Terms of Officers
A. The term of each director shall be 3 years.
B. The term of all other officers shall be 3 years
C. Each officer shall serve until his successor has been installed.
Section 3 Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and 4 additional Directors. The President shall serve as the Chairman of the Board..
B. The Board shall meet at such time and places as the Chairman shall designate
or upon the demand in writing of at least two members of the Board..
C. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
D. The Board shall have all rights, privileges, power and authority authorized or
allowed by Florida Statutes.
Section 4 - Duties of Officers
A. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and the board.
He shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to his office. The President may also appointment committees, and will control day-to-day activities of the club.
B. Vice President: The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in his
absence or at his request.
C. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a true record of all
meetings of the Board and of the Club.
D. Directors: The Directors shall act as full members of the Board.
Section 5 - Vacancies on the Board
A. Resignation of any officer may be accepted by a majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board.
B. A single vacancy on the Board may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board.
C. If more than one vacancy exists on the Board, a special election shall be held
within 30 days at a regular or special meeting of the general membership. With
notification to the membership in the meeting notice, nominations and elections will be held to fill the vacancies until the TRI annual election.
Article V - RULES
Section 1 - Expulsion of a General Member
A. Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for any cause deemed sufficient by the majority affirmative vote of a quorum of the Board present at any regular or special meeting.
B. No vote on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing shall have been given to the member of the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board at which such charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be accorded a full hearing prior to vote.
Section 2-Charges
A. Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good
standing. They shall be in writing clearly stating the facts relied upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support. B. Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the
President, who will call a meeting of the Board to hear the charges.
C. The Secretary will give at least fifteen (15) days notice of the meeting to each
member of the Board, to the accuser, and to the accused. This notice shall be in writing and will include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.
Section 3 - Appeals
A. Any member expelled by the Board may appeal to the full membership of the
B. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary and President. The
President will call a meeting of the club for the purpose of acting on the appeal. C. The Secretary shall give at least fifteen (15) days in writing to all members of the club in good standing stating the date, time, place, and reason for such meeting. At the meeting of the general membership the Secretary will read the original charges, the supporting affidavits, read or display the accompanying exhibits, and will read the minutes of the meeting of the Board at which the charges were heard and action taken. A full hearing will be given to the accuser and accused. D. A vote will be taken by ballot of a quorum of members in good standing present
and a two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to reverse the action of the Board.
In the event that this club decides to terminate for any reason, all assets free and clear of club contracted liabilities shall be donated to a charitable organization as defined by Internal Revenue Service Sec. 503 (c) (3).
A. Any proposed amendments to the by-laws may be introduced in writing by any
member of the club, presented to the By-Laws Committeed for review and recommendation to the Board.
B. Upon approval by the Board, they must be acted upon by the club membership at a regular meeting or special meeting called for the purpose provided a copy of approved amendments had been sent to each club member by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
C. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the quorum present will be necessary to pass it
I herby certify that these by-laws have been adopted by this club.
Kevin Gregorius
August 15, 2017
Section 1 - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Traditional Bowhunters of Florida.
Section 2 - Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be the encouragement of traditional archery among citizens of the United States or allied nations resident within our community, with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of traditional bowhunting. It shall be our further objective and purpose to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, and self- discipline.
Section 3 - Organization
The club is a not for profit membership corporation dully incorporated on the 2nd day of December, 1992.
Section 1- General Membership
A general member is any person who supports traditional bowhunting, the code of hunting ethics approved by the Board, and has attended at least two Club functions. The Board shall have the authority and discretion to determine who is or is not a member.
Section 2 - Life Membership
A life member is a general member who is designated as a life member on the books and records of the Club.
Section 3 - Membership Privileges
The member entitled to vote at regular, special or annual meetings of the Club shall be any members age 18 or older who are present at the meeting, either in person or by proxy.
Section 1 - Regular Meetings
A. The regular meetings of the club for the transaction or ordinary business shall be
held at times to be announces.
Section 2 - Special Meetings
A. A special meeting of the club may be held at any time upon the call of the
President or upon the call of the Board.
B. A special meeting of the club may be called by any member upon demand in
writing, to the Board stating the objective of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than 20% of the members entitled to vote.
C. Notice of the time, place, and objective of any special meeting shall be given to
all officers and members in good standing, in writing, by mail not less than seven days prior to the date fixed for the holding of the meeting. The place of the special meeting shall be fixed by the Board.
Section 3 - Annual Meetings
The annual meeting of the Club shall be held at 6:00 PM on the Friday of the Florida State Traditional Bowhunters' Championship or such other time as place as the Board may designate.
Section 4 - Quorum
At least 15% of the members of the Club entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Section 5 - Motions
A. Any motion may be carried by a majority of the members present and entitled to
vote. The President shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
B. Voting members may be required to show current membership cards if required
by any member.
Section 1 - Titles
The officers of this club shall be:
Vice President Secretary/Treasurer
Section 2 - Terms of Officers
A. The term of each director shall be 3 years.
B. The term of all other officers shall be 3 years
C. Each officer shall serve until his successor has been installed.
Section 3 Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and 4 additional Directors. The President shall serve as the Chairman of the Board..
B. The Board shall meet at such time and places as the Chairman shall designate
or upon the demand in writing of at least two members of the Board..
C. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
D. The Board shall have all rights, privileges, power and authority authorized or
allowed by Florida Statutes.
Section 4 - Duties of Officers
A. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and the board.
He shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to his office. The President may also appointment committees, and will control day-to-day activities of the club.
B. Vice President: The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in his
absence or at his request.
C. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a true record of all
meetings of the Board and of the Club.
D. Directors: The Directors shall act as full members of the Board.
Section 5 - Vacancies on the Board
A. Resignation of any officer may be accepted by a majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board.
B. A single vacancy on the Board may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board.
C. If more than one vacancy exists on the Board, a special election shall be held
within 30 days at a regular or special meeting of the general membership. With
notification to the membership in the meeting notice, nominations and elections will be held to fill the vacancies until the TRI annual election.
Article V - RULES
Section 1 - Expulsion of a General Member
A. Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for any cause deemed sufficient by the majority affirmative vote of a quorum of the Board present at any regular or special meeting.
B. No vote on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing shall have been given to the member of the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board at which such charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be accorded a full hearing prior to vote.
Section 2-Charges
A. Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good
standing. They shall be in writing clearly stating the facts relied upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support. B. Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the
President, who will call a meeting of the Board to hear the charges.
C. The Secretary will give at least fifteen (15) days notice of the meeting to each
member of the Board, to the accuser, and to the accused. This notice shall be in writing and will include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.
Section 3 - Appeals
A. Any member expelled by the Board may appeal to the full membership of the
B. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary and President. The
President will call a meeting of the club for the purpose of acting on the appeal. C. The Secretary shall give at least fifteen (15) days in writing to all members of the club in good standing stating the date, time, place, and reason for such meeting. At the meeting of the general membership the Secretary will read the original charges, the supporting affidavits, read or display the accompanying exhibits, and will read the minutes of the meeting of the Board at which the charges were heard and action taken. A full hearing will be given to the accuser and accused. D. A vote will be taken by ballot of a quorum of members in good standing present
and a two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to reverse the action of the Board.
In the event that this club decides to terminate for any reason, all assets free and clear of club contracted liabilities shall be donated to a charitable organization as defined by Internal Revenue Service Sec. 503 (c) (3).
A. Any proposed amendments to the by-laws may be introduced in writing by any
member of the club, presented to the By-Laws Committeed for review and recommendation to the Board.
B. Upon approval by the Board, they must be acted upon by the club membership at a regular meeting or special meeting called for the purpose provided a copy of approved amendments had been sent to each club member by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
C. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the quorum present will be necessary to pass it
I herby certify that these by-laws have been adopted by this club.
Kevin Gregorius
August 15, 2017